Why Become a Member
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
GMAEC members have a profound impact on our community through their support of dynamic visual and performing arts activities. Your support provides the resources necessary to advance programs that encourage intercultural exchange and promote the education and appreciation of the arts.
As a non-profit arts organization, we rely on private support for as much as 75% of our annual revenue. The greatest challenge for the organization is to maintain continuous support for the operation of the Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center. Annual giving from community members is of utmost importance for the continued existence of the arts center.
Member Benefits*
While your membership has a direct value for you, it is truly priceless to us and the cultural vitality of our community. We appreciate our members and offer the following benefits for their generosity.
*Benefits apply to total annual donation

*What is NARM?
The North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association® is one of the largest reciprocal membership programs in the world with members in the United States, Bermuda, Canada, El Salvador and Mexico! NARM has over 1,000 arts, cultural, and historical institutions along with botanical gardens, children’s museums, science and technology centers and more that offer their individual NARM qualified members reciprocal benefits.
NARM membership grants you member privileges at 800 museums, botanical gardens and cultural centers across North America, to include free general admission during museum hours, free admission to special exhibitions when no ticket is required, admission to members’ previews, discounts on purchases made on the premises in art and bookshops, discounts on film, concert, and lecture tickets.
EZ Tax Credit
**The Enterprise Zone Contribution Tax Credit provides a tax credit to Colorado taxpayers that contribute to targeted enterprise zone (EZ) projects. When taxpayers make a certified contribution, they can claim 25% of a cash donation as a state income tax credit.
***Ovation & Encore levels offer tickets to performance. Some restrictions may apply.
David & Kelli Abrahamian / Amy Alfaro / Jim Allen / George & Ella Allen / Robert and Daniel Anders / Aspire Pilates
Walt & Mari-Emilie Anderson / Christie Aschwanden / Scharee Atchison / Randy and Nancy Baker
Cindy Banfield / Pat del'Etoile & Ardon Barnes / Dick & Kathy Barton / Dave & Cindy Beach
Tom & Sue Beachman / Bret & Lorna Beard / Donna Marie Woods-Benjamin & Don Benjamin
Dwight and Karen Benson / Hans and Cassandra Benson / Ruth Bentley / Kim & Ken Besel / Dick and Jean Blanning
Patricia Borba / Lance Boren / Karen and Randy Bradshaw / John & Barbra Breitnauer / Dee Brown
Marsha Bryan / Don Burch & Karen Sales / Cheryl Butler / Jane Cable / Michael Chandler
Charles Clemen / Jane and Steve Colby / Carissa & Russell Coleman
Kami Collins / Mark Condon / Kathy and Tom Conlon / Tom & Pam Cooper / Brison Crow
Richard Crysler / Deborah & Curtis Cummings / Suzanne Curry and Knox Williams / Sonya Swartz & Bryan Daniel
Amy Daniels / David & Jackie Dapkus / Nicholas & Cecilia Darrow / Jeff Dean / Delta Hardware
Merle and Shawna DeMoss / David Devinney / Bill & Jo Dickes / Scott Dickson / Charles & Kerry Dorius
Steve Driessen / Susan Ducept / Sandra and Timothy Dudley / Larry and Susan Dumler / Jane Dupree
Al & Laura Early / Jane & Todd Everett / Lisa Fairbank / Mark & Judy Fairchild / Greg & Juleen Feazell
Jim & Joyce Ferganchick / Emily Festger / Larry and Eileen Finch / Lana & Doug Flemmer / Marge & Bruce Franklin
Kirk & Nancy Fry / Rich and Betty Garret / Gary & Gloria Good / Jan Goodbread / Karen Grant
Lynn & Sharon Grotrian / Diane Disner Grudt / Allen Grundstad / Dennis & Linda Grunkemeyer
Guida Anderson & Richard Hall / Bob Page & Suzanne Hamilton / Carrie & Dave Hanson / Rick and Len Harner
Luann Harriman / Jan Harrington / Patti & Greg Hart / Price & Jeanne Hatcher / Teri Havens / Tim and Christin Hawbaker
John Anderson & Jo Carole Haxel / Terra and Bill Hegy / Bill and Jeanie Hellman / Tom & Bev Henry
Penny & Enno Heuscher / Nina Hiatt / Bob and Debbie Hillyer / Travis & Annie Holton / Perry and Terry Hotz
John C & Yen Chu Huberd / Margaret Ingleman / Felix & Donna Iovanni / Mike and Wanda Jakulewicz
Dale Coker & Sabina Johns / Miss Linda Johnstun / Janice Jones / Rick & Patt Jones
Bruce and Lisa Joss / Sue Griffith & Jim Kaufman / Gini Kendall / Jonni Kendrick
Marv & Jude Kieca / LJ Knoch / Al & Connie Kogler / Lucinda Lautz / Kristie LaValley / Terry LaVau
Susan Ledoux / Bob Halley & Linda Lichtendahl / Brenda Lockamy / Tate, Julie, Mary, & Logan Locke / Debby Locke
Claudia & Rick Lopez / Jil Ludlam / Robin Luster / Scott & Stacy Malmgren / Zach and Becky Margolis
Halina Markiewicz / Bill & Marcia Martin / Charlotte and Douglas Martin / Stephen McCarthy / Candace & John McCoy
Joe Schlaefer & Doris McGuire / Denny and Ann McNeill / Joe Meyer / Susan Meyer
Ken and Tonie Miller / Loretta Molitor / Jim and Rose Montoya / Scott and Kathleen Morse
Melissa Newell / Vicky Nunumaker / Wendy Olson / Lindy & Daniel Palmer / Richard Palmer
Don Parker / Doug & Carolyn Payne / Jory Barnes & Kaewyn Picard / Dave Pipkin / Janet Quinn
Karina & Juan Ramirez / Donald & Linda Ranta / Dave & Carol Ann Rasmussen / Craig and Jill Rathbun
Kathleen Ray / Ginger Reddington / Millie Walker & Michelle Reed / JoDeen Relph / Ken & Dori Richards
Mark Rivard / Melinda Roalstad / Steven DeFeyter & Barbara Roberts / Daphna Russell / Sonia Scott
Lee & Linda Scott / Syndi Scott / Ken & Deborah Shaffer / Barbara Silverman
Paula Simenson / Cynthia Simmers / Deb and Al Singleton / Dan & Sue Skelton / Jeanne Sloan
Jan Smeltzer / Al & Jo Smith / Dale Russell Smith / Larry & Kristi Smythe
Will & Nancy Snowdon / Pat Sprague / David and Cindy Starr / John St. George / Becky Stilley
Kacy Stillings / Al & Ginny Stohler / Jean Stortz / Rick & Nancy Peck-Stucker
Patti and David Sullenberger / Richard & Samantha Swingle / Craig Andrews-Jones & Kim Taylor
Amy Thieme / Scott & Gynee Thomassen / Sherry Thompson / Gayle and Stanley Tomkiewicz / Barbra Torke
Ouida Touchon / Larry and Tracy Traubel / Karen Locke & Richard Udd / Jean Walsh / Ginny Warner
Adam and Chere Wasser / Jerry & Judy Weaver / Bill & Laurae Welch / Kathie Weller / Joe Wells
Diane Wilson / Patty Wilson / Garrett and Lisa Wilson / Dave & Roni Wilson / Sandy Wilt / Anita & Mike Winter
Coni Wolfe / Craig and Julee Wolverton / Steve Smith and Cathryn Wright / Bo and Rebecca Zeerip