Saturday Night Showings

Chasin' the Beat - Documentary
Directed by Jack Rasmussen
This documentary follows musician Elias Earl and his experience entering the Denver Jazz scene. Through the storytelling of jazz pianist, Purnell Steen, discovered Denver’s rich jazz history, specifically in the historic “Harlem of the West”.

Conversations Over Dinner - Documentary
Directed by Gabriella Marinace-Lee
Let's have a talk. Meet Sean, an immigrant who moved to America when he was only 11 years old without any accompaniment, Have a conversation with Sean as he takes us through his life story.

Dollar Store Poop Scoop - Comedy
Directed by Dean William Bonzani and Elizabeth Heather Bonzani
Rusty sings the praises of the ultimate tool for cleaning all the chicken poop out of the chicken coop, while Bliss and Erm poke fun at his improvised songs. Features the monster dance tune, "It's Hamburger Night," and stars Dale Russell Smith as Popcorn Guy.

Brain Break - Animation
Directed by Gretchen Kowalczyk
Brain Break is a film about an artists acceptance of failure. Sometimes we just can't make it work, and that's okay. Stepping away and living life is just as important as your craft, even if the only thing that comes out of it is a good day.

War for Old Dad - Documentary
Directed by Greg Hart
Episode III of a memorial to director’s father covering his enlistment in the US Navy, boot camp, torpedo school, and service in 1942 on the destroyer USS O’Brien (DD-514), and its sinking.

Over Medicated - Documentary
Directed by Rose Movizzo
A young woman battles with the consequences of her psychiatrist prescribing her excess medication.

The Intaker - Comedy
Directed by - Samuel Laske
Michael has died, and it is the Intaker's job to tell him.

Glitter Pxrn - Documentary
Directed by Maddie Dimetrosky, Sophie Addison, Sophia Lisco
Glitter Porn was founded in politically tumultuous Colorado Springs. In connecting with the local underground music and queer community, the band has created a safe space to cultivate creativity and free expression.

Manzanar (Yuki) - Animation
Directed by Scott Feldmann and Brad Colerick
Animated short film depicting the experience of a two-year old child imprisoned, with her mother, as fallout from nations at war and fears fostered racism to cloud perceptions and deny rights to U. S. Citizens. This mixed media film uses animation and Library of Congress archival photos of Manzanar, a World War II Internment Camp for Japanese-Americans. The original song tells the plight of a young, single mother, Mikiko Okinaga Hayakawa, who cannot completely protect her daughter Yuki from the world around her, but instead instills self-esteem. It's a song of hope.

Now V Then - Comedy/Drama
Directed by- John Williams
When Ocean discovers her true heritage, the consequences begin to unravel her marriage...